Tuesday 22 November 2011

Pictures that appealed to me

I Like this layout for a magazine because it has a main image which is the main focus and caught my attention immediatley.

I love the colour scheme for this magazine. I am going to have a white background and blue writing, but I will handle the white background better this time.
For my main image, I love the idea of a mask to be used but to have half black and half white lips.
I like this type of make up for my cover story image, inside my magazine. Whole natural face, possibly made a little white and on the right side of the face, have deep black eyeline on the face and a black beauty spot above the lip which half of the lip on the right side will be white .On the left hand side, have a black eyebrow, white eye liner and half of the left side of the lip will be black.

My School Front Cover Evaluation

I think my front cover turned out better than I thought it would. I had a lot of problems choosing suitable colours and trying to cover up the white back ground. I think I could have improved on it by thinking of a few more sell lines and positioning the pictures better. Overall I think it was a good effort for my first time using the software. When I create my music magazine I will remember the mistakes I made on this front cover and try not to make them again, to hopefully gain a much better mark.

Thursday 10 November 2011

My Magazine Photo Shoot Planning Document

 Charlotte Heywood
 Mr  Jones
 Shoot Date And Time
 4pm Tuesday
11am Tuesday 
 Image Description
 Mid Shot
Mid Shot 
 Shoot Location
 My Living Room
 Mr Jones' Classroom
 Model/Person Contact Details
 Permission Details
 School Uniform
 Smart Suit
 Plans Of Shots
 Stood In A Light Area Against A White Background So It Would Be Easy To Get Rid Of When It Comes To Merging Both Photo's. I Wanted her Smiling But Also Stood In A Sensible Pose.
 I Also Wanted Mr Jones Stood Against A White Background So It Would Be Easy To Cut Out. I Also Wanted Him Smiling But Also In A Sensible Pose.

Music Magazine Questionnaire

1)What age group are you?
- 11 or younger
- 12 - 15
- 16 - 19
- 19 - 21
- Older than 21

2) what gender are you?
- Female
- Male

3) which of the following mastheads do you prefer?
- Pop & Bop
- Slam & Jam
- Music Mania
- Other (Please State)

4) Which of the following slogans do you prefer?
- Its Like Music to Your Ears
- For Your Music Obsession
-Other (Please State)

5) How much would you pay for a music magazine?
- 50p - £1
- £1 - £2
- £2 - £3
- £3 or more

6) Please circle five of the following options that you would be interesting in reading about.
- Singers
- Chart Hits
- Albums
- Singing Competition Results
- Producing Music Videos
- Other (Please State)

7) Which of the following colours do you want to associate music with? (Circle as many as you want)
-         Blue
-         Pink
-         Gold
-         Silver
-         Other (Please State)

8) What type of music do you think the magazine should include? (Circle as many as you want)
- Drum & Bass
- R&B
- Chart Hits
9) Who do you think the magazine should be aimed at?
- 11 or younger
- 12 - 15
- 16 - 19
- 19 - 21
- Other (Please State)

10) Would you buy a music magazine?
- Yes
- No (State Why)

By Beth Heywood.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

School Magazine Questionnaire

1) What year group are you?
- Year 7
- Year 9
-Year 11
-Year 12
-Year 13

2)  What gender are you?
- Female
- Male

3) Which of the following mastheads do you prefer?

-The Tudor Times
- King Henry
- Gossip Guide
- Other (Please State)

4) Which of the following slogans do you prefer?
- For The Students By The Students
- Saved By The Bell
- Too Cool For School
-Other (Please State)

5) How much would you pay for a school magazine?
- 50p - £1
- £1 - £2
- £2 - £3
- £3 or more

6) Please circle five of the following options that you would be interesting in reading about.
- Uniform
- Sporting Success
- Teachers
- Exam Success
- Next Drama Production
- Other (Please State)

7) Which of the following images would you want to see on the front cover?
- School Teams
- Teachers
- 6th Formers
- Year 12
- Mixtures Of Years
- The School Band

8) Which of the following colours do you associate with KHS? (Circle as many as you want)
- Yellow
- Gold
- Black
- White
- Other (Please State)

9) Who do you think the magazine should be aimed at?
- Parent
- Teachers
- Students
- The Public
- Other (Please State)

10) Would you buy a school magazine?
- Yes
- No (State Why)