Friday 16 December 2011

Thursday 15 December 2011

My double page spread

My double page spread is about a new chart climbing artist whose inspiration is Lady Gaga. It is going to be a question and answer type of article and there are going to be lots of different things asked, its going to be entertaining by asking things about her love life, her social life and her singing career. Its also going to be promotional as she is going to tell us about her new single and chart topping album. The genre of her music is going to be pop and the style is going to be conversational and light hearted. I want the reader to find out as much as they can about this new artist. The headline I'm going to use for this article is "Mistress Lala turning Gaga?" just like the sell line on my front cover will be except I will add in Mistress on the double page spread. The images added into this article will be her posing and one will be of her having her make up put on.

Sell Lines

I have come up with a varitey of sell lines to be able to put on the front of my magazine or in my contents page.
  • Free Limited Edition SIGNED CD! (I will have a picture of a CD)
  • LALA is going GAGA! (My main image and story)
  • B's festive earphones on sale NOW! (I will have a picture of this)
  • Brown for the top 40 crown?
  • Bieber spreading the fever!
  • Have One Direction gone the wrong direction?
  • Rihanna's new romance
  • Nicki's wigging out over upcoming tour
  • Updates about the X Factor and interviews with the contestants
  • Is Adele over her ex? "Someone like you" says no... But what does she say?

My own contents page

My contents page is going to help the reader navigate and locate specific stories that they want to read.
I'm going to have on average 6 pictures which are relative to the stories, an "on the cover" section instead of a features section, 2 reviews; one about a new single out, a new album out, in my regulars section I will have a quiz page, a "UK top 40 pop hits" page, a page where people can write to our magazine and tell us what they think of previous stories they have read in our magazine and what they think of songs etc, there will also be a page with "Single of the week" and "Embarrassing moment of the week" which will be about singers or bands who have made a whoopsie moment on camera and there will be a limited free gift in each magazine but for this one, it is going to be a free signed CD by a new band. I have also been considering for a while to have a short column about "The Editor" just like UNCUT has but I don't think I'm going to use that idea as my magazine is to be strictly for people who want to know about music, singers, chart topping hits and how music videos are made, I don't think they would want to read about the people who made the magazine and I was not requested in my questionnaire that I handed out. My pictures that will be included in the contents page, they are just going to simply have the number of the page in the corner which the story related to that picture is on and have no writing underneath the sell like or picture as I will give enough but little information about the story in the sell like so I am able to include more and make the reader want to read more.

Contents Analysis

So far I have analysed 3 different contents pages, Q, Kerrang! and UNCUT. I'm going to take a few idea's from these 3 contents pages and create my own. Here is what I analysed:


There were 7 features, it was a double page spread with 3 pictures on one page and 6 on the other, there were 3 sections; features, regulars and Q review, there were 10 regulars, a brief explanation was given to each story, there was one review and the pictures were mainly in the middle of the 2 pages.

In Kerrang! there was 1 feedback, 2 news articles, 2 live reviews, 6 features, 1 K! icon, 2 album reviews, 2 gigs, 1 swag and famous last words. 9 pictures took up the left and middle of the page and information of some stories were given underneath their pictures related to the article.

There were 12 regulars, 8 features, 6 reviews and one picture. They had a column at the bottom of the page called "In this issue" and they had a big column going down the right of the page called "The Editors". Under the feature stories, small but detailed information was given and under the regular stories, a very short sentence or few words was given about the story.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Mission Statement

Beth's new project BASELINE is a basic music magazine bursting with the latest music singles, packed with the newest chart climbing artists, crammed with the funniest gossip and embarrassing moments in most of the A-list singers everyday lives and also get the true meaning behind the chart topping hits from the singers themselves!
BASELINE is aimed at female teenage readers between the ages of 16-19 who have a passionate love for pop music and who are madly in love with the hot and hunky new boy bands and who idolise the biggest female artists in the industry.
BASELINE contains all the elements that are pertinent to teenagers today - -juicist gossip, hot posters of celebs, the most stylish looks and embarrassing moments of others.
BASSLINE's role is to inform about the latest trend and music and to inspire people who idolise the guests in our magazine articles.

Front cover image

How to make the front cover image effective
·        Position of model
·        Colour scheme
·        Clothing- costumes
·        Lighting
·        Camera shot
·        Camera angle
·        Background
·        Props
·        Hair & Make-up
·        Shot distance
·        Composition
·        Number of models
·        The genre of magazine
·        Representation- gender, age, music
·        Pose
·        Setting- interior or exterior
·        Model on cover represents audience
·        Take at least 5 shots

Reader Profile

BASELINE - Reader Profile

Female: 90%        
Male: 10%
Average age: 17
ABC1: 80%
Still Studying: 76%
Working fulltime: 12%
Unemployed: 2%
In the last 12 months BASELINE readers bought on average
37 CD Albums-£425.50 for every reader
                                                        Total readership- £18m
65 CD Singles-£178.75 each reader
                                                     Total readership- £9m             
33% buy a lot of their music from a major music chain (i.e. HMV)
19% specialist record shop.
48% buy their music from an online retailer (Amazon, ITunes)
81% tracks downloaded in the last month.
76% own an iPod.
20% own a CD player.

97% have a mobile phone.
Like to keep up to date
74% say it’s important to keep up with the latest music.
59% are passionate about music.
Concerts and events
87% go to concerts regularly/often.
68% get their tickets online.
11% get tickets over the phone.
97% agree that music is a part of their daily lifestyle.
77% agree that they like to listen to new artists, which are being advertised.
43% are tempted to buy the products that are being advertised in the magazine.

Music Fan Profile

Dizzy Dancer
Age 16-19
What is she wearing? Baggy grey SoulCal sweats with one leg pulled up at the knee held in place with a bobble, worn out daps and a floaty stripy pink crop top. Her hair is shoved up into a rough but pretty curly pony tail with a little make up on looking good but not over the top.
Listens to - Anything in the pop charts that she can prance about to and create a dance routine to and perform for her dance class once a week. Her secret obsession is Chris Brown as that is her main inspiration for dancing to pop music.
Wants to be A professional backing dancer for the top A-list singers, and also wants to be Justin Biebers wife.
Find her In the local theatres dance studio practising routines at full blast or in her room with her earphones in singing along to one of Rihanna's songs.

My magzine analysis

I decided to look at rock magazine front covers even though my choice of genre was pop music and found two which were my favourite out of all the front covers I had seen. On these magazine I just like the layout of the sell lines and the main image background. I then found another magzine as shown in the post below, where the colour scheme stood out alot to me and I have decided to also go with that colour scheme. I have decided to have the main image covering the masthead a little like the one magazine with Dave Grohl on the front and I'm going to have the sell lines going around the picture like the one with La Roux on the front. The main image will be in the middle and very large. I believe that these 3 front covers can give me the inspiration to create my own perfect front cover for my music magazine.

My magazine analysis

I like this idea of the main image being the main thing that stands out and is made extremely clear of who it is and the sell lines being made to stand out but around the picture.
I love this colour scheme, and I will be using it on my front cover.

I also like the idea of the picture covering the masthead a little as if people should know what the magazine name is.

Monday 5 December 2011

My Music Magazine Questionnaie Evaluation

Colour scheme I'm going to use.
I handed out 15 questionnaires to almost a variety of different aged people. I them out to the majority of 16 - 19 years old but one was 21 or over, the other 2 were between 12 - 15. The minority of the people who took my questionnaire were 4 males. Even though with the highest vote I chose not to go with Music Mania as my masthead, I changed my mind decided to create another idea, which is BaseLine. With just one vote between the slogans, the one with the highest votes was "It's like music to your ears", but I'm going to go with "For your music obsession". Someone contributed an idea for a slogan, "The music in you". 10 people said that they would pay between £1 and £2 for my magazine. I then asked what they would most like to read about in my magazine, 11 people said they would like to read about the singers, 13 people would like to read about chart hits, 5 people would like to read about music albums, only 3 people wanted to read about singing competition results, 5 people said they would be interested in knowing how the music video's are made, and 2 different contributions were also made, 2 people said for Justin Bieber to be in the magazine and another request was for funny stories to be written about the celebrities which I thought was a brilliant idea. Although people voted on which colours they wanted the front cover and the colour scheme to be, I'm going with the same colour scheme of the NME front cover from October 2010, which is shown at the top of the page. The majority of people said they would like the magazine to be about chart hits and this was what helped my choose the choice of celebrity to copy, which was Lady Gaga. The majority of people suggested that the magazine should be aimed at and with 14 of 15 votes, 16 - 19 was chosen. 1 person said for it to be aimed at 40 year olds and older for "The old timers" as they quoted. All people said they would buy my magazine.

My final pictures.

Either this or the one below will be in my main article.

This will definately be my main picture for the front cover.

This will definately be in my main article.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Music Magazine Main Article Picture

As My Main Article Picture, I Had Taken A Few. And So I Might Collage 2 Of Them Into Fitting Together And They Can All Be On The 2 Page Spread But As 2 Different Picures, Not 3.

With The Picture And The One Below, I Am Going To Remove The Background Of This And The One Below, And Place Them Back To Back.

I Will Also Remove The Background On This Picture And Use It On Its Own.

My Music Magazine Front Cover Pictures

With These Possible Front Cover Pictures, I Will Have To Remove The Background But These Are An Example Of What The Picture Is Going To Look Like.
The Posibilities For My Front Cover Picture Are:
I Prefer This The Most As My Front Cover Picture

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Pictures that appealed to me

I Like this layout for a magazine because it has a main image which is the main focus and caught my attention immediatley.

I love the colour scheme for this magazine. I am going to have a white background and blue writing, but I will handle the white background better this time.
For my main image, I love the idea of a mask to be used but to have half black and half white lips.
I like this type of make up for my cover story image, inside my magazine. Whole natural face, possibly made a little white and on the right side of the face, have deep black eyeline on the face and a black beauty spot above the lip which half of the lip on the right side will be white .On the left hand side, have a black eyebrow, white eye liner and half of the left side of the lip will be black.

My School Front Cover Evaluation

I think my front cover turned out better than I thought it would. I had a lot of problems choosing suitable colours and trying to cover up the white back ground. I think I could have improved on it by thinking of a few more sell lines and positioning the pictures better. Overall I think it was a good effort for my first time using the software. When I create my music magazine I will remember the mistakes I made on this front cover and try not to make them again, to hopefully gain a much better mark.

Thursday 10 November 2011

My Magazine Photo Shoot Planning Document

 Charlotte Heywood
 Mr  Jones
 Shoot Date And Time
 4pm Tuesday
11am Tuesday 
 Image Description
 Mid Shot
Mid Shot 
 Shoot Location
 My Living Room
 Mr Jones' Classroom
 Model/Person Contact Details
 Permission Details
 School Uniform
 Smart Suit
 Plans Of Shots
 Stood In A Light Area Against A White Background So It Would Be Easy To Get Rid Of When It Comes To Merging Both Photo's. I Wanted her Smiling But Also Stood In A Sensible Pose.
 I Also Wanted Mr Jones Stood Against A White Background So It Would Be Easy To Cut Out. I Also Wanted Him Smiling But Also In A Sensible Pose.

Music Magazine Questionnaire

1)What age group are you?
- 11 or younger
- 12 - 15
- 16 - 19
- 19 - 21
- Older than 21

2) what gender are you?
- Female
- Male

3) which of the following mastheads do you prefer?
- Pop & Bop
- Slam & Jam
- Music Mania
- Other (Please State)

4) Which of the following slogans do you prefer?
- Its Like Music to Your Ears
- For Your Music Obsession
-Other (Please State)

5) How much would you pay for a music magazine?
- 50p - £1
- £1 - £2
- £2 - £3
- £3 or more

6) Please circle five of the following options that you would be interesting in reading about.
- Singers
- Chart Hits
- Albums
- Singing Competition Results
- Producing Music Videos
- Other (Please State)

7) Which of the following colours do you want to associate music with? (Circle as many as you want)
-         Blue
-         Pink
-         Gold
-         Silver
-         Other (Please State)

8) What type of music do you think the magazine should include? (Circle as many as you want)
- Drum & Bass
- R&B
- Chart Hits
9) Who do you think the magazine should be aimed at?
- 11 or younger
- 12 - 15
- 16 - 19
- 19 - 21
- Other (Please State)

10) Would you buy a music magazine?
- Yes
- No (State Why)

By Beth Heywood.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

School Magazine Questionnaire

1) What year group are you?
- Year 7
- Year 9
-Year 11
-Year 12
-Year 13

2)  What gender are you?
- Female
- Male

3) Which of the following mastheads do you prefer?

-The Tudor Times
- King Henry
- Gossip Guide
- Other (Please State)

4) Which of the following slogans do you prefer?
- For The Students By The Students
- Saved By The Bell
- Too Cool For School
-Other (Please State)

5) How much would you pay for a school magazine?
- 50p - £1
- £1 - £2
- £2 - £3
- £3 or more

6) Please circle five of the following options that you would be interesting in reading about.
- Uniform
- Sporting Success
- Teachers
- Exam Success
- Next Drama Production
- Other (Please State)

7) Which of the following images would you want to see on the front cover?
- School Teams
- Teachers
- 6th Formers
- Year 12
- Mixtures Of Years
- The School Band

8) Which of the following colours do you associate with KHS? (Circle as many as you want)
- Yellow
- Gold
- Black
- White
- Other (Please State)

9) Who do you think the magazine should be aimed at?
- Parent
- Teachers
- Students
- The Public
- Other (Please State)

10) Would you buy a school magazine?
- Yes
- No (State Why)

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Out of the 6 pictures, I am going to pick one of the pupil and one of the teacher and merge them together into one picture.
The new school blazer, which is going to be a picture for one of my stories.
A picture of the new school ramps to go with one of my stories.
This is a picture of the school field for my story.
My second draft, and the one i'm going to use as a template.
My first draft for my front cover.

Friday 30 September 2011

Questionnaire Evaluation

All together I handed out 7 of my questionnaires to people in Year 12. The most popluar choice for the masthead with all but one vote was Gossip Guide, and the last vote went to the masthead King Henry, but for my magazine cover I'm not going to choose either of of them. I will choose my other option that i put in the questionnaire, The Tudor Times, because I think that masthead shows some history of the school. I also believe it's a bit more original than the other two choices.

With the majority of the votes, Too Cool For School was chosen for the slogan of my magazine and with the minority of the votes was, For The Students, By The Students.  Saved By The Bell had no votes. Although For The Students By The Students only had one vote, im going to use it for my slogan as it sounds more sophisticated to go with my masthead, , The Tudor Times. Most of the people who took my questionnaire said they would pay 50p - £1 for a magazine, but two people said they would pay £1 - £2 for it. No one said they would pay £2 or more though.

With 4 votes each, pupils said they would be interested in reading about, school uniform, sporting and exam success and the next drama production. Suggestions were also made and pupils might also like to read about school trips and gossip. 2 people said they would like to read about teachers but it wasn't a popular vote like the options mentioned above.
For the front covers' pictures, the most popular vote was to have 6th formers and the second choice was to have a mixture of years. Although it wasnt a choice, i'm going to chose to have a picture of a teacher and a pupil from year 9, to show i want my magazine for everyone like pupils and teachers and i want everybody to feel like they're apart of the magazine and its not just for 6th formers. Although i can see why that was the most popular vote as i had given my questionnaire only to 6th formers, so the votewas very biased.
To choose the volours for my cover, 4 people voted for gold white and black, I believe to be based on the new school uniform but two people chose differently and chose white and stated on their own choice for colour and wrote navy blue which i also believe to be based on the old school uniform. As gold, white and black are the current colours to the school uniform, i will use them on my front cover.
I asked who my magazine should be aimed at and 6 of 7 people voted it should be for students, the other vote was for it to be aimed 6th formers and students. I'm going to aim my magazine at 6th formers and students but i'm also going to try and aim it at parents because I think they'd like to see how their children are getting on at our school and what progress they are making, at teachers because I think they would like to know how their teaching methods are working based on the results the students are getting which are going to be shown in the magazine and the public because I think they might like to see how the school as a whole is making progress and what the school has to offer, especially if they are considering sending their children to the school. 
All 7 pupils who took the questionnaire said they would buy a school magazine.